High School | Sundays | Youth Room | 7:00-8:30P
Turning Point Youth Ministries is open for all 9th-12th grade students. Turning Point Youth Ministry exists to reach students for Christ who reach their peers for Christ. Our programming consists of the Live Gathering, Home Groups, and Sunday School. These help students experience Jesus in powerful ways, equipping them to reach others with the good news of the Gospel.
Live Gathering
Turning Points meets from 7:00-8:30P in the Youth Room on most Sundays (Home Groups being the exceptions). During our time together, we will play games, worship, dive into Scripture through interactive teaching, and apply God’s Word to our lives through Small Groups (Same grade/gender small groups).
Home Groups
Home Groups meet from 7:00-8:30P four times over the year (see the schedule for specific dates). Students will meet in their Small Groups at a leader’s or host family’s home. During this time, Small Groups will engage in different challenges, serve together, hold each other accountable for growth in God’s Word, and have fun together.
Sunday School
9th Grade students will combine with 8th Grade Students as they examine the book of Acts in Room 034.
10th-12th Grade studentswill meet in the Youth Room and debate much of the year as they learn to defend the faith.
All grades meet from 9:50-10:40A every Sunday from September 15, 2024, through May 4, 2025.
Parent & Student Awareness Night
March 23 | 6:00 - 8:00P | Free
Guest speaker, Rachel Timothy, will share her experience about surviving being trafficked. She’ll give us signs to look for, explain the prevalence of trafficking and grooming in small communities, share how God's love has helped her heal, and help us discover where God is amid our hurt. Rachel has curated her teaching to be appropriate for students aged 12 and up.
Evening Schedule:
6:00 - 7:00P Rachel’s Story
7:00 - 7:30P Q & A with Rachel
7:30 - 8:00P Small Groups - 6th to 12th grade students will meet in their regular small groups. Parents are invited to meet together with Brian, Ally, and Kaeden.
Please note that Rachel does talk very generally about sexual abuse so use discernment if you have concerns, but know that she speaks in middle schools and high schools across the country.
Rachel’s book, Open Blind Eyes, will also be available to purchase after the teaching time. For more information about her organization STOPSIS, visit the link below.
Colorado Spiritual Adventure Trip
July 12-19, 2025 | $650
We will leave for Colorado early on July 12, stopping at a church in Nebraska to stretch our legs and sleep, and then arrive at Noah’s Ark Whitewater Rafting and Adventure Co. in Buena Vista, Colorado on July 13. Over the next five days, we will experience a day of whitewater rafting, a ropes course over the Browns Canyon, and a 3 day, 2 night backpacking adventure. We will leave the late afternoon of the 18th and return on the 19th near 6:00P.
Sunday School
Sunday | 9:50a - 10:40a |Sept-May
8th & 9th Grade Students - Room 034
Students will get an up-close look at worldwide missions while studying the book of Acts.
10th - 12th Grade Students - Youth Room
Students will be challenged to see the world around them through the lens of Scripture and be given the tools to converse with individuals with grace and truth across a variety of topics.
6th-12th Grade | Thursday | 3:00-5:00P | Sept-May
Students will enjoy a snack, play games, get help with homework, get to know other students, and hang out in the Youth Room and Gym. Students may be dropped-off and picked-up at Door F.
If students need a ride to Underground from school, that can be arranged by contacting Ally VanDerLaan at avanderlaan@frchudsonville.org. All students using our transportation will be required to have a completed Parental Consent Form on file prior to boarding the bus or van.
Contact: Brian Boom
Phone: 616-669-1213 x108
Email: boom@frchudsonville.org