Flo Ronda
/Flo Ronda has been admitted to the ICU with a-fib and an elevated heart rate. Please pray for the heart to self-correct into a proper rhythm.
Flo Ronda has been admitted to the ICU with a-fib and an elevated heart rate. Please pray for the heart to self-correct into a proper rhythm.
Brady Elling (4-month-old son of Austin and Breanna) was admitted to the DeVos Children’s Hospital on Friday, January 31. He is receiving treatment and care for RSV and breathing difficulties.
We extend our Christian sympathy to Mary Steketee upon the passing of her husband, Doug (Friend at Home). Doug passed away on Thursday, January 30. Visitation will take place on Sunday, February 2, from 2:00-5:00P at Matthysse-Kuiper-DeGraaf in Grandville. The funeral will begin at 11:00A on Monday, February 3, at Fellowship Church; an additional hour of visitation will precede the service.
Congratulations to Jucille VanLangen who will be celebrating her 91st birthday on Sunday, February 2.
Congratulations to Taylan and Ellen Nyenhuis upon the birth of their daughter, Lena Marie. Lena was born on Thursday, January 30. She weighed 6lbs 9oz; she measured 19 inches in length.
Mary Burgess is recovering at home following the replacement of a ureteral stent on Wednesday, January 29, at Corewell Butterworth. She will undergo a CT scan in two weeks to evaluate its effectiveness.
Jonah Hower (16-year-old son of Tom and Amy) is expected to undergo a kidney transplant within the next six months; he recently moved from stage 4 to stage 5 kidney disease. Please pray for the Lord to provide everything required for Jonah's improved health.
Congratulations to Jim and Diane Phillips as they will be celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday, February 5.
In preparation for celebrating Communion on Sunday, February 2, please spend time in prayerful confession and thanksgiving for the gift of Salvation in Christ.
Barb Ricord underwent surgery on Wednesday, January 29, at Corewell Butterworth Hospital.
Taylor Friberg’s (16-month-old daughter of Matt and Emily) tear duct surgery scheduled for Monday, January 13, has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 6.
Kathy Koets returned home on January 25 following surgery and rehabilitative care for a cracked hip on January 11. She consulted with her doctor on January 30 in anticipation of beginning in-home PT for walking and weight-bearing on the leg.
We extend our Christian sympathy to Vicki and Ross Phillips upon the passing of their brother-in-law, Bill Velthouse. Bill passed away on Friday, January 24. A private service will take place. Additional Fellowship family includes a nephew, Mike and Sherri Phillips (Taylor and Tanner), and a niece, Lisa and Jason VanderWal (Tessa, Macey, Josie, and Lola).
Shirley VanDis will undergo a mastectomy on Friday, February 7, at Corewell Health Blodgett. Please pray that all cancer is found and removed without the need for additional surgery.
Bob Nyenhuis will undergo outpatient shoulder surgery on Friday, February 7. He is expecting a 4-6 month recovery. Please pray for patience.