Friends at Home

▪ Bonnie Beerens - Sunset
▪ Judy Benninger - Sheldon Meadows ▪ Lloyd Bekkering - Sheldon Meadows
▪ Ardith Bos - Home ▪ Donna Brower
▪ Paul Brower - Sunset ▪ Hank Buchholz - Cambridge Manor
▪ John Dekkinga - Sunset
▪ Ken DeVree - Home
▪ Corry Donker - Sunset
▪ Andre Felix - Sheldon Meadows
▪ Ginny Grasman - Sunset Manor ▪ Lois Groothuis - American House
▪ Janet Hoekstra - Raybrook
▪ Hilda Klooster - Waterford
▪ Marcy McAllister - Waterford ▪ Harv Meeusen - Home ▪ Cornella Petroelje - Sheldon Meadows
▪ Bob Ricord - Home
▪ Lois Schut - Home
▪ Doug Steketee - Heritage Nursing/Rehab ▪ Tony Sturm - GR Veteran’s Home ▪ Eris Timmer - Royal Park
▪ Ellen VandenBand - Home ▪ Gene VanderWall - Home
▪ Anna VanFarowe - Daughter’s Home ▪ Marlene VanKomen - Sheldon Meadows ▪ Karen VanOeveren - Home ▪ Jan Vruggink - Georgetown Manor

Phil Dreyer

Phil Dreyer has undergone multiple infusions to treat his lung cancer; additionally, he has completed extensive radiation treatments for secondary spots found on his brain. Doctors believe the radiation treatments have negatively impacted his frontal lobe—causing confusion and some short-term memory loss. Please pray for wisdom and a course of care as he consults with his oncologist on Thursday, June 6.

Our Military Personnel

Please remain in prayer for our members who are currently in training, serving stateside, or who are actively deployed:

Military Personnel:   

▪ PFC Ben Koedoot (Army)

▪ AO3 Jesse Koedoot (Navy)

▪LTJG David Noorman (Navy)

▪ 1LT Trevor Odehnal (Marines)

Family of FRC members: CPL Blake Burrill, E7 Cody Clinton, SSgt Kyle Emelander, PFC Tyler Emmert, CMDCS Bryon Vosburg