Mary Burgess
/Mary Burgess returned home on Thursday, February 20, following the discovery of a mass in her colon. She will undergo both radiation and immunotherapy treatments to slow the progression of the cancer.
Mary Burgess returned home on Thursday, February 20, following the discovery of a mass in her colon. She will undergo both radiation and immunotherapy treatments to slow the progression of the cancer.
Connor Schwartz continues to recover at home following surgeries on February 18 and 19 in Fairfax, Virginia, to restore the function of his corneas and to provide a clear line of vision. Please pray for patience as his vision is returning much slower than anticipated--complicating his ability to complete his work online.
Emily Klooster consulted with her doctor on Monday, February 24, regarding her broken tibia which resulted when she was struck by an automobile on February 7 while walking to work. Fortunately, surgery is not required. Praise the Lord!
Eric Geissler consulted with a surgeon regarding a torn ACL. Surgery will take place at a later date.
Caleb Nykamp (14-year-old son of Jamie and Michelle) underwent outpatient surgery on Tuesday, February 25, to realign hardware from a previous hip procedure. Please pray for complete healing and freedom from pain.
Roger Elders had an MRI of his brain on Tuesday, February 18. He also had a consultation regarding speech therapy on Wednesday, February 19, at Mary Free Bed.
Brady Bohl (5-year-old son of Zach and Katie) continues to receive treatments for his cancerous tumor. At his latest appointment, he received both blood and platelet transfusions to address low hemoglobin, platelet, and white cell counts. Please pray that he remains healthy and that his numbers increase as treatments progress.
Karen Emelander underwent a knee replacement on Friday, February 21, at Trinity Health St. Mary’s.
Please remain in prayer for our members who are currently in training, serving stateside, or who are actively deployed:
Military Personnel:
▪ PV2 Jayse Hill (Army)
▪ SPC Ben Koedoot (Army)
▪ AO3 Jesse Koedoot (Navy)
▪ LTJG David Noorman (Navy)
▪ 1LT Trevor Odehnal (Marines)
Family of FRC members: CPL Blake Burrill, E7 Cody Clinton, SSgt Kyle Emelander, CMDCS Bryon Vosburg
Olivia Wilken (8-year-old daughter of Brandon and Sara) underwent corrective surgery on Friday, February 14, at the DeVos Children's Hospital to repair a double break of her left elbow.
Bob Nyenhuis underwent outpatient shoulder surgery on Friday, February 7. He is expecting a 4-6 month recovery. Please pray for patience.
Barb Ricord underwent surgery on Wednesday, January 29, at Corewell Butterworth Hospital.
Mary Burgess is recovering at home following the replacement of a ureteral stent on Wednesday, January 29, at Corewell Butterworth. She will undergo a CT scan in two weeks to evaluate its effectiveness.
Kathy Koets returned home on January 25 following surgery and rehabilitative care for a cracked hip on January 11. She consulted with her doctor on January 30 in anticipation of beginning in-home PT for walking and weight-bearing on the leg.
Jonah Hower (16-year-old son of Tom and Amy) is expected to undergo a kidney transplant within the next six months; he recently moved from stage 4 to stage 5 kidney disease. Please pray for the Lord to provide everything required for Jonah's improved health.
▪ Bonnie Beerens - Sunset
▪ Lloyd Bekkering - Sheldon Meadows ▪ Judy Benninger - Sheldon Meadows
▪ Ardith Bos - Home ▪ Donna Brower - Byron Manor
▪ Paul Brower - Sunset
▪ John Dekkinga - Sunset
▪ Ken DeVree - Home
▪ Corry Donker - Sunset
▪ Ginny Grasman - Sunset Manor ▪ Lois Groothuis - American House
▪ Janet Hoekstra - Raybrook ▪ Valda Levander - Home ▪ Harv Meeusen - Home ▪ Cornella Petroelje - Sheldon Meadows ▪ Ron Phillips - Georgetown Manor ▪ Mark Raglin - Home
▪ Bob Ricord - Home
▪ Lois Schut - Home ▪ Tony Sturm - GR Veteran’s Home ▪ Eris Timmer - Royal Park
▪ Ellen VandenBand - Home ▪ Gene VanderWall - Sunset Manor
▪ Marlene VanKomen - Sheldon Meadows ▪ Karen VanOeveren - Home ▪ Jan Vruggink - Georgetown Manor ▪ Jean Walcott - The Oaks at Jamestown
Marv Dekkinga was admitted into Corewell Butterworth after experiencing a fall on Saturday, January 18, resulting in five broken ribs. He was able to return home on Monday, January 20.
Judy Walkotten underwent a successful cardioversion on Wednesday, January 15. Please pray for her heart to remain in proper rhythm with the assistance of medication. Additionally, she is undergoing six weeks of physical therapy to increase the range of motion to her damaged right shoulder; please pray that surgery is not required.
Carolyn Schafer returned home on Wednesday, January 15, following rehabilitative care for an infection in her lower left leg.
Brady Bohl (son of Zach and Katie) will begin a new form of chemo on Thursday, January 16; he will also begin radiation treatments on Monday, January 20. Please pray for increased healing and strength following surgery to remove the cancerous mass on January 9.